
Family Trust – What Do You Need To Know?

If you are looking to get your estate's affairs in order, your solicitor may recommend to you to set up a family trust. A family trust refers to a discretionary trust that your assets will be placed into. The main reasons why you may want to get this up is to ensure that your property and capital are protected in the event of your demise. Additionally, there also some tax benefits that can be repaid by putting your estate into a family trust.

Can You Bring a Civil Case Against the Police?

Have you recently had a brush with the law? If this is the first time for you, it can be a harrowing experience, and as a law-abiding citizen you may have been shocked by the outcome. While the men and woman that make up the Australian police forces have a difficult job to do, sometimes they may make mistakes, and if you've been involved in one of these situations, you may have recourse to take further action.

Are You Looking for the Right Compensation Lawyer? These Questions Should Help You Choose

When claiming compensation for injuries sustained as a result of negligence by a third party, most people often hope to get the maximum compensation that they are entitled to. Since you only get one chance for such claims, it is critical to get things right from the onset, and that includes finding the right compensation lawyer. However, how do you know that you have selected the right compensation attorney to handle your case?

Can You Sue Your Ex-Partner for Defamation During a Divorce?

Going through a divorce with someone you love or once loved is difficult as it is. The whole process can be tough and emotionally draining, especially if you have involved the court or third parties during the process. The last thing you need is to hear that your ex-partner is making defamatory statements against you. They may be doing this out of bitterness just to spite you and make you feel bad.

Estate Planning: 3 Ways to Avoid Estate Litigation

No one looks forward to the rise of a dispute between their loved ones over an estate. However, if you don't draft your estate plan correctly, it can result in disagreements concerning who will inherit what portion of your estate once you are gone. In such an instance, the court can make a ruling that does not favour your wishes as pertains to the will. To avoid this, it is critical to ensure you plan your estate as clearly as possible to prevent beneficiaries or other interested parties from going into litigation.